United Way Reports

Below are some User Query that may be required for United Way.

Active Patient count by age and gender for patients with first visit date in the date range

/*United Way Report. Active Patient count by age and gender for patients with first visit date in the date range*/
SET @FromDate='2013-07-01', @ToDate='2013-09-30';
SELECT (CASE WHEN (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(Birthdate)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(Birthdate,5))<120
AS 'Age',
COUNT(DISTINCT p.PatNum) AS 'Patients'
FROM patient p
WHERE p.PatStatus=0
AND p.DateFirstVisit BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
GROUP BY Age, Gender
ORDER BY Gender ASC,Birthdate DESC;

Active Patient count by race for patients with first visit date in the date range

/*United Way Report. Active Patient count by race for patients with first visit date in the date range. ONLY FOR OD VERSIONS BEFORE 13.2*/
SET @FromDate='2014-01-01', @ToDate='2014-02-01';
SELECT p.Race,
COUNT(DISTINCT p.PatNum) AS 'Patients'
FROM patient p
WHERE p.PatStatus=0
AND p.DateFirstVisit BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
ORDER BY p.Race;

Active Patient count for patients with specific health problem with first visit date in the date range

/*United Way Report. Active Patient count for patients with specific health problem with first visit date in the date range. ONLY FOR OD VERSIONS BEFORE 13.2*/
SET @FromDate='2014-01-01', @ToDate='2014-02-01';
SET @ProblemName='%Cholera%';
SELECT (CASE WHEN d.DiseaseDefNum=0 THEN icd9.Description ELSE ddef.DiseaseName END) AS 'Problem',
COUNT(DISTINCT p.PatNum) AS 'Patients'
FROM patient p
INNER JOIN disease d ON d.PatNum=p.PatNum AND d.ProbStatus=0
LEFT JOIN diseasedef ddef ON ddef.DiseaseDefNum=d.DiseaseDefNum
LEFT JOIN icd9 ON icd9.ICD9Num=d.ICD9Num
WHERE p.PatStatus=0
AND p.DateFirstVisit BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
AND ((d.DiseaseDefNum=0 AND icd9.Description LIKE @ProblemName) OR (d.DiseaseDefNum!=0 AND ddef.DiseaseName LIKE @ProblemName))

Active Patient count for patients with specific patfield value and first visit date in the date range

/*United Way Report. Active Patient count for patients with specific patfield value and first visit date in the date range*/
SET @FromDate='2014-01-01', @ToDate='2014-02-01';
SET @FieldName='%Occupation%', @FieldValue='%Dentist%';
SELECT pf.FieldName AS 'PatField',
pf.FieldValue AS 'FieldValue',
COUNT(DISTINCT p.PatNum) AS 'Patients'
FROM patient p
INNER JOIN patfield pf ON p.PatNum=pf.PatNum AND pf.FieldName LIKE @FieldName AND pf.FieldValue LIKE @FieldValue
WHERE p.PatStatus=0
AND p.DateFirstVisit BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
GROUP BY pf.FieldName,pf.FieldValue
ORDER BY pf.FieldName,pf.FieldValue