
View and edit clock events, calculate overtime, add adjustments, and print time cards for individual employees from the Time Card window.

In the Time Clock area, select an employee. Click View Time Card or View Breaks.

Alternatively, in Time Card Management, double-click an employee.

All users can view their time card and breaks. If users are allowed to edit their time cards they can also edit clock events.

The Pay Period dates are shown at the top. Clock events in the pay period are listed in the grid.

Time Card Grid Columns

For users with the Edit All Time Cards permission (See Manage Time Cards):

Print: Print the selected employee's time card or breaks.

How Time is Calculated

Total Hours display at the bottom of the time card. The left column shows total time worked rounded to the nearest minute in hours: minutes (colon) format. The right column shows times rounded to the nearest hundredth of an hour in decimal format. See Time Card Setup for the difference between colon and decimal format. Time accounts for seconds in the entire pay period, but seconds are rounded up before the time is displayed.

Totals include completed clock events only (i.e., clock events with both a Clock In Date/Time and Clock Out Date/Time).

See Time Clock, Clock out section for how breaks are calculated.

Edit a Clock Event

  1. Double-click a row in the Time Card grid.
  2. Edit the Clock In Date or Time, Clock Out Date and Time, or Out Status as needed. Only the Displayed fields can be edited.
  3. (optional) Enter a note to describe the reason for the change.
  4. Click Save once finished to exit the window and keep changes.

Time Spans

Note: Automatic adjustments are not created until Calc Daily or Calc Weekly OT tools are run.

Rate 2 or Rate 3: Used to determine differential hours based on time card rules.

To delete a clock event, users must have the Time Card Delete Entry permission.

Time Card Security

Several permissions affect users' ability to see or edit time cards. Below are common scenarios and how to set up permissions. Global Security Settings affect all users. Permissions set in User Groups affect only users assigned to the group.

All Users Can Clock in For any Employee, see any Time Card, and Edit Their Own Time Card
To allow all users access to all employee Time Cards and allow all users to edit their own Time Cards, set the following permissions:
In Global Security Settings:

(Optional) To allow users to edit other employees Time Cards, assign the following permissions to their User Group as needed:

Scenario 2 - Users Can Edit Their own Time Cards and Certain Users Can Edit Other Employee Time Cards
In Global Security Permissions:

(Optional) To allow users to edit other employees Time Cards, assign the following permissions to their User Group as needed:

Scenario 3 - Users Cannot Edit Their Own Time Cards, but Certain Users Can Edit Other Employee Time Cards
In Global Security Permissions:

(Optional) To allow users to edit other employees Time Cards, assign the following permissions to their User Group as needed:


Forgot to clock in for the day.

  1. Clock the employee in upon realizing the mistake. The Clock In time will be wrong.
  2. Double-click on the inaccurate clock event.
  3. Correct the Clock In date and the time.
  4. If the employee has left for the day, clock the employee out.
  5. Double-click the inaccurate clock event.
  6. Correct the Clock Out date and time.

Forgot to clock out when leaving for the day.

  1. Clock the employee out upon realizing the mistake. The Clock Out time will be wrong.
  2. If the employee is working today, immediately clock back in to begin today's time.
  3. Double-click on the inaccurate clock event.
  4. Correct the Clock Out date and the time.

Forgot to clock out to lunch or break.

  1. Clock the employee out for lunch (or break). The Clock Out time will be inaccurate.
  2. If the employee has returned from lunch (or break), clock the employee back in.
  3. Double-click on the clock event.
  4. Correct the Clock In and Clock Out times.

If the employee has not yet returned from lunch (or break), they will clock in as normal.

Clocked out for lunch and then never came back to work.

  1. The next working day, have the employee clock in as usual.
  2. Double-click on the clock out event for the previous day's lunch.
  3. Change the status from Lunch to Home.

When clocking out for break, an employee discovers that someone else accidentally clocked out using their time card. The time card shows the employee has been on break for two hours and time is still ticking.

Option 1: Delete the clock event (double click on it, then click Delete). Only users with the Time Card Delete Entry permission are allowed to do this.

Option 2: When the employee is ready to clock back in, do so. Then, double-click on the first inaccurate clock event and change the Clock In time so that it shows correctly.

When trying to edit a clock event on my own Time Card, I get a warning that I don't have permission.

Global Security Settings may prevent you from editing your own Time Card. Depending on your setup, you may not be allowed to edit your own Time Card at all or may only be allowed to edit it during the current pay period. The message differs depending on if you can edit the current pay period or not.

A user with the Edit All Time Cards permission, who is not the same person as the employee whose Time Card needs to be edited, must edit the clock event.

Users with the Edit All Time Cards permission can still edit other employees Time Cards.