Manage Time Cards

Print and manage all employee time cards from the Manage Time Cards window.

In the Time Clock, click Manage to view all employee time cards at once.

Time card management is only available to users with the Edit All Timecards Permission. Calculations correspond with ADP format requirements for offices that use ADP Workforce Now for payroll.

Note: ADP Run does not accept the format used by ADP Workforce Now.

Related links

Setup: Access Time Card Setup.

Reports: Click the dropdown to run payroll reports.

Pay Period: Click the right/left arrows to change the currently displayed pay period. The Start, End, and Paycheck dates are automatically updated to reflect the selected pay period of the Employee Time Cards grid.

Clinic: If using Clinics, select the clinic to manage time cards for. If a user is restricted to specific clinics, only accessible clinics are listed. All employees who have clock events for the selected clinic during the pay period or who are assigned to the clinic are listed.

Employee Time Cards grid: Each row represents an employee's time card for the pay period. Employees are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Only employees who have at least one clock in/out event during the pay period will list. Adjustments alone do not cause an employee's time card to show.

Note: Numbers for an employee are only shown when there are no Clock Event Errors. Overtime numbers are only updated when running calculations.

Clear Manual Adjusts: Clear any manually entered override adjustments added to the Edit Clock Event window for selected employees.

Clear Auto Adjusts: Clear any adjustments added with the Daily or Weekly buttons.

Note: Adjustments entered via the Add Adjustment button in the Time Card window would have to be manually deleted if needed.

Calculations: Use the buttons to calculate total hours worked, overtime, and differentials, based on any rules (see Time Card Setup) created. Calculations consider the Calc Daily button makes adjustments if breaks over 30 minutes setting if Allow paid 30 minute breaks is enabled in Preferences. See the Calculate Daily and Weekly Totals section for additional information.

Print All: Print all time cards at once.

Print Selected: Only print time cards for selected employees. Press Ctrl + click to select multiple employees.

Note: Time card notes may be limited when printing. Pay period notes only print two lines (approximately 190 characters). Clock event notes only print one line (approximately 25 characters).

Other Time Card Options

Time card-related settings can be found in the following places:

Add Adjustments to a Time Card

Manually enter adjustments to account for other hours, additional overtime, etc. These adjustments create a separate row in the time card.

On the Employee Timecard, click Add Adjustment or double-click an existing adjustment to edit.

Click OK to save.

Note: Adjustments add to overtime when the total hours is over 40 per week.
For example, if an employee worked 38 hours, and a user adds an 8 hour adjustment to that week, clicking Calc Weekly will calculate 40 regular hours and 6 overtime hours.

Calculate Daily and Weekly Totals

At the end of each pay period, calculate regular and overtime hours. Calculations can be run for all employees at once or per time card.

  1. Check employee time cards for errors (e.g., no missing clock-in/out events). Add any manual adjustments. Correct any time card errors. See Time Card Edit.
  2. Calculate total hours worked each day using Daily or Calc Daily.
    • To calculate for all employees, click Daily.
    • To calculate for a single employee, click Calc Daily on their time card. If the results are not as anticipated or not the the user's liking, edit the rules in Time Card Setup and run it again. Alternatively, overrides can be made to individual clock events.
  3. Calculate weekly overtime for employees who worked more than 40 hours in a work week using Weekly or Calc Week OT. Determine the start of the week in Preferences, Time Card first day of week for overtime.
    • To calculate for all employees, click Weekly.
    • To calculate for a single employee, click Calc Week OT on their time card. If the total hours for an employee in a week is over 40, an additional adjustment row will be added for overtime hours. The weekly calculation will cross pay periods.

Calculations are completed only if an employee is clocked out. If calculations cannot be made a note is added to the employee denoting the date and clock event error (e.g., the employee did not clock out). If using Clinics, total hours and overtime hours are assigned by Clinic.

Hour Calculation Logic

The math behind time card hour calculations is explained below.

Total hours = all hours worked (includes regular, overtime and differential (Rate 2) hours.

OT hours = overtime hours

Rate 1 hours = hours paid at the regular rate

Rate 2 hours = hours paid at the differential rate

Rate 3 hours = hours paid at the weekend rate

Rate 1 hours = (1 - (Rate 2 + Rate 3)/Total hours) * Regular hours

Rate 2 hours = (Rate 2/Total hours) * Regular hours

Rate 3 hours = (Rate 3/Total hours) * Regular hours

So Rate 1 hours + Rate 2 hours + Rate 3 Hours = Regular hours

Rate 1 OT hours = (1 - (Rate 2 + Rate 3)/Total hours) * OT hours

Rate 2 OT hours = (1 - (Rate 1 + Rate 3)/Total hours) * OT hours

Rate 3 OT Hours = Total hours - (Rate 1 + Rate 2 + Rate 3 + Rate 1 OT + Rate 2 OT hours)