Task Window

The Task window shows task details and allows user to add notes and make edits.

In the Tasks Area, click Add Task.


See Tasks Overview for details on creating and sending tasks.

Date and Status

New: The read status of a task. Uncheck to mark a Task as read. When checked, task appears in the New For tab of the Tasks Area if the logged-on user is subscribed to the corresponding Task List.

Done: Complete and close a Task.

Date/Time Created: Auto-populates with the date and time the Task is created. For security purposes, this cannot be edited.

Date/Time Task: Typically the same as Date/Time Created. Click Now to enter the current date/time or manually edit to a specific date/time. This field affects the order of the Task in the Task List.

Date/Time Finished: Auto-populates with the date and time the Task was marked done or set complete. Click Now to enter the current/date time (does not mark done).

Reminder Setup

Set up the task to appear at a specific time. See Task Reminder for detailed instructions. If the Type is set to NoReminder, the task is sent and appears immediately.

User, Task List, and Priority

From User: Displays the user that created the Task. To change the user, click [...] and select a new user from the list. The user can only be changed once the Task is saved (i.e., Create the Task, click OK, then return to the Task to change the user). If changed, the original user is no longer be able to see edits to the Task unless the user is subscribed to the Task List the Task is sent to.

Task List: Auto-populates with the name of the Task List the Task is currently in or being sent to. To change, click Send To (see below).

Task Priority: Assign a priority to the Task. Tasks are sorted by the New status, Task Priority, then date and time. Add or edit priority types in Definitions: Task Priorities.


Description: Type the Task text or details. Right-Click the text box for additional options. To change the height of the description box, move the splitter bar between the Description text box and Notes grid and drag to the desired height.

Edit Auto Note: Click to resume filling out a previously started Auto Note.

Auto Note: Insert an Auto Note template to the Task description.

Short Descript: Type a brief description of the Task. This displays in the Task List or Tasks Area instead of the full description. Users can double-click to view the entire Task.

Only users with the Task Edit Security Permission can edit descriptions on an existing task.


Notes: Comments and notes added by users. Double-click a note to make changes. User must have Task Note Edit security permissions.

Add: Opens the Task Note Edit window to add comments and notes to the Task.

Note: Users can link URLs, tasks, patients, etc. to the Description and Task Notes. See the subsequent Task Navigating section for additional information.


The Attachments area indicate the names of any attachments added to the Task. The current number of attachments added to the task is indicated in parentheses.

Click the Attachments button to open Task Attachments to view or add attachments.

Additional Task Details and Options

See and edit additional task information at the bottom of the task window.

Copy: Copies the Task number, date/time stamps, patient name and appointment date/time (if attached), Description, notes, and associated users to the clipboard.

Object Type: Attach a Task to an appointment or patient. Attached patient related tasks to an appointment or patient to quickly access the patient or jump to the appointment.

Change: Change attached patient or appointment. Only available if the object type is set to Patient or Appointment.

Go To: Changes the currently selected patient to the patient attached to the Task. When the object type is Appointment, the active module changes to Appointments Module and jumps to the date of the appointment in the calendar.

TaskNum: Displays the internal number associated with the Task. Useful when using Task Search.

Task History

Click History to open Task History. A summary of Task changes is displayed. Only available when the user has the TaskEdit permission.

Sending and Deleting

Delete: Only enabled for users with Task Delete permission. Deletes the task and any Task Notes. An Audit Trail entry is created but the task cannot be retrieved once deleted.

Reply: Opens the Task Edit Note window to add a note.

Send To: Moves the Task to the selected Task List. Click to open the Select Task List window. Type the Task List name in the Search field or select from the available Task Lists then double-click or click OK to move the Task.

Save: For a new task, creates the task and sends it to the specified Task List. For existing tasks, closes the task window and keeps changes. Does not affect changes to Task Notes.

Navigating Tasks

The task Description and Task Notes can include navigation to outside sources or places within the program. Right-click in the Description or a Task Note to navigate.