Sheet Checkbox and Radio Button
Add Checkboxes to sheets to allow for easy data entry on Medical History Forms, Exam Sheets, and more.
In Edit Sheet Def, click Check Box.
Alternatively, double-click an existing Check Box field from the Fields list to edit.
Checkboxes and radio buttons are Sheet Field Types used to indicate a selection by toggling an X on or off. The look of this window and the available fields change depending on sheet type and selected Field Name.
The checkbox or radio button is the actual X, not a box surrounding the X. This makes it useful for scanned backgrounds. To add a box around the checkbox or radio button, add a Sheet Line and Rectangle as a visual indicator.
Displays for all sheet and checkbox types.
X Pos / Y Pos: The X and Y position of the checkbox on the sheet.
Width / Height: The width and height of the X for the checkbox.
Dislays for all sheet and checkbox types.
Field Name: The available field options the checkbox can correspond to. The selected field may change other options on the screen.
Add Procedure: Only displays on Screening Layout sheets. Allows a user to assign a procedure code to a checkbox. When checked, the procedure code will automatically chart.
Only displays when allergy is the selected Field Name on Medical History Layout sheets.
Add Allergy: Click to add a new allergy to the Allergy List.
Only displays when problem is the selected Field Name on Medical History sheets.
Add Problem: Add a new problem to the Problem List.
Only displays when misc is the selected Field Name.
Group Name: Used to create custom checkboxes or radio buttons not tied to a database field.
Mobile Group Caption: The caption that displays on mobile sheets for the group.
Mobile Item Caption: The caption that displays on mobile sheets for the specific checkbox.
Required: If checked, the user will be required to select an option in the generated form before saving it. If adding radio buttons, all radio buttons in a group should be marked the same: all required or all not required.
Only displays when a database field is the selected Field Name. The values listed are based on database options. Create one radio button for each value.
Mobile Group Caption: The caption that displays on mobile sheets.
Mobile Item Caption: The caption that displays on mobile sheets for the specific checkbox
Item Caption Override: Enter an override for Mobile Item Caption. This caption displays on mobile sheets instead of the value selected above.
Only displays when allergies or problems are selected on Medical History sheets.
Yes / No: Create a value for yes, and a value for no. (e.g., Yes the patient has this allergy, No this patient does not have this allergy)
Mobile Y/N Override: Allows the user to change the value from "yes" or "no" to a custom value.
Mobile Group Caption: The caption that displays on mobile sheets.
Displays when misc is the selected Field Name.
Reportable Name: Enter an identifying name for this misc checkbox/radio button.
Displays for all checkbox types.
Tab Order: The order of an element when users press Tab on the generated form. (Hint: Click Tab Order in the right panel to view and edit the tab order of all elements on a sheet.
These steps will create a group of radio buttons that correspond to database fields and whose values can be imported. Users must create a radio button for each possible value in a radio button group for it to work correctly. If a user clicks one radio button in a group, the other buttons in the group automatically uncheck.
These steps will create a group of radio buttons whose values cannot be imported, but can be reported in Custom Queries.
These steps will create a checkbox that allow one or many selections. Repeat these steps for each checkbox.