Recall List - Reactivations

The reactivation list is used to track contact attempts for inactive patients.

In the Recall List, select the Reactivations tab.

To show the Reactivation List, an office must first do the following:


These settings determine how to filter the patients that appear on list.

From: Enter date before which unseen patients will not be included in reactivation list. Must be a date prior to the To date. Together these settings creates a range of potential patients to consider. Useful for offices with long histories and don't want to sift through patients that have not been in for many years.

To: Enter the date since last seen. Returns a list of patients who were last seen before the date entered and have not had a completed procedure since.

Show Reactivate: Select number of contact attempts.

Sort: Sort by:

Billing Type: Filter by patients billing type.

Provider: Patients primary provider.

Clinic: Filter for the selected clinic.

Site: Filter for the selected site.

Group Families: Group family members together on the list.
When checked:

Show "Do Not Contact": Show patients who are marked as Do Not Contact.

Exclude "Inactive": Filter out any patients who are marked with the Inactive status.

Click Refresh List for filters to take affect.

Set Status: Set the status for all selected patients.

Email From: Select the email address to send from.

Reactivation List

Patients must meet the following to show:

Note: Missed (D9986) or cancelled (D9987) procedures are not considered completed procedures for patients on this list.

Right-click on a patient to see the Family Module or Account Module.

Double-click on a patient to view reactivation information.

Status: Manually change reactivation status.
Do Not Contact: Check this box to mark patient as Do Not Contact.
Administrative Note: Any notes pertaining to the patient that may be useful for office staff.


From the main Reactivation List, highlight the the patients to contact, then select from the options below.

Postcard Preview: Preview postcards to send to the selected patients.
Single Labels: Print a single label for each selected patient to the default printer for Labels - Single.
Label Preview: Generate and preview a standard sheet of 30 labels for selected patients. Click Print to print to the default printer for Labels - Sheet.
E-Mail: Email the selected patients.
Print List: Print the entire Reactivation List.
Go to Family: Select a patient and go to the Family Module.
Go to Account: Select a patient and go to the Account Module.
Comm: Create a commlog for each selected patient.
Sched Patient: Schedule the selected patient.
Sched Family: Schedule all related family members.