
Customize a patient's recall interval, change the prophy recall to perio, delete/disable a patient's recall type, or add custom types from the Recall grid.

In the Family Module, double-click the Recall grid.

A patient's recall appointments are determined by their Recall Types. Every patient is assigned a prophy recall but can be set to perio as needed and other custom types may be added. When a recall types' trigger procedures are set complete, the patient's next recall appointment due date is calculated. The recall due date, along with the scheduled date, recall status, and recall notes for each of a patient's recall type show in the Recall grid.

Also see our Recall Videos Playlist

Recalls for Patient

Double-click the grid to edit recalls for the current patient.

Recalls: Lists the patient's recall types assigned to the patient along with date information. Every time a recall appointment is set complete, the dates, status, and notes reset. Double-click a type to view additional information or edit. Opens the Edit Recall window (see below).

Add: Click to manually attach a recall to the patient. Opens the Edit Recall window (see below). This is rare as, recalls are generally added automatically when trigger procedures, set up in Recall Types, are set complete.

Set Perio/Set Prophy: The button changes depending on if the patient is currently assigned a prophy or perio recall type. If currently assigned a prophy recall type, click Set Perio to replace the prophy recall with the perio recall type. Due dates are updated to reflect the perio interval. To change back to prophy, click Set Prophy.

Edit Recall

Click Add to attach a new Recall Type or double-click an existing recall type to edit.

Disable Recall

Disable a patient's recall from the Edit Recall window. The patient is removed from the Recall List.

Delete: Remove a recall, that is not Prophy or Perio and does not have a Previous Date.
