Quick Paste Notes Setup

Organize and create new Quick Paste Notes and categories from this window.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Quick Paste Notes.

Alternatively, right-click in a Right Click Text Box that supports Quick Paste Notes and select Insert Quick Paste Note.


Notes can be organized by category. The buttons below the list are specific to categories. Options are only enabled when opening from Setup for users with the Auto/Quick Note Edit Permissions.

These changes are saved immediately.


All Quick Paste Notes currently in a category are listed in the Notes grid.

Use the buttons at the bottom to make changes to Quick Paste Notes within the selected category. Options (unless otherwise noted) are only enabled when opening from Setup for users with the Auto/Quick Note Edit permission.

Save / OK: Changes depending on how the window was opened. Click Save to exit the window and keep any changes to Quick Paste Notes. Click OK to close the window and insert the selected Quick Paste Note into a text box.

Using Quick Paste Notes

To use Quick Paste Notes, follow the steps below: