Query Monitor Filter

Use Query Monitor Filters to prevent certain queries from showing on the Query Feed in the Query Monitor window.

In the Query Monitor window, click Filter.

Displays a list of Filters associated with the selected Group Name. Queries containing these Filters are excluded from the Query Feed.

Filters: Grid shows Filter Text added to the currently selected Group.

Group: Change the currently selected Group, edit a Group Name, or create a new Group.

Add: Click to add Filter Text to the selected Group.

Import: Click to import a new Group with its Filters.

Export: Click to export all Filters for the currently selected Group.

Query Filter Edit

Edit Filter Text for a Group. Double-click into an existing Filter from the Filters grid in the Query Filters window.

Group Name: Select the Group Name that the Filter Text applies to.

Filter Text: Enter text to exclude queries that contain said text from the Query Feed.

Delete: Click to delete the Filter for the selected Group Name.

Save: Click to keep changes.