Procedure - Medical Tab
Enter information on this tab when sending medical claims or if insurance requires ICD-10 diagnosis codes attached to a procedure.
In the Procedure Edit window, click the Medical tab.
The Medical tab appears when Medical Insurance is enabled in Show Features.
Medical Code: Corresponding medical code for the dental procedure. If a default medical code is set on the Procedure Code, it automatically shows. Required when sending a medical e-claim.
Mods: Medical code modifiers.
Unit Quantity: Refers to the type. (e.g., 5 (unit quantity) minutes of anesthesia (unit type)). Procedure fee is multiplied by the unit quantity.
Unit Type: Type of quantity.
Revenue Code: If a Default Revenue Code is set for the procedure code, it is added automatically.
Drug NDC: National Drug Code. If a default value for the procedure code is set, it is added automatically.
Drug Unit/Drug Qty: Quantity refers to the unit. (e.g., 5 (drug quantity) milligrams (drug unit)).
Is Emergency: Check this box when the procedure is a medical procedure. When the P1IsEmergencyfield is added to the HCFA 1500 Claim Form, the procedure is marked as an emergency.
SNOMED CT Body Site: Only visible if EHR is enabled.
Princ Diag: Indicates that Diagnosis Code 1 is a Principal Diagnosis. At least one claim procedure must have this box checked.
Use ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes (uncheck for ICD-9): Affects this procedure only. Check the box to use ICD-10 codes. Only ICD-10 codes should be used on new claims.
ICD-9/ICD-10 Diagnosis Code 1 - 4: Enter diagnosis codes. If set in the Procedure Code window, ICD-10 codes are pre-filled.
Ordering Provider Override: Ordering provider for procedure on claim. Provider overrides any other providers. By default, there is no override and the treating provider is used. See E-Claims Complexities, Ordering Provider, for the logic.