Use Perio Setup to determine default perio exam probing depths and preferred terminology.
In the Perio Chart, click Setup.

Default Perio Exam Probing Depths
Enter the preferred default perio exam probing depths. Enter measurements in sets of three, separated by a comma (e.g., 323, 323, etc.) for each tooth. Each box requires 48 digits.
- Upper Facial: Enter probing depths for the upper facial teeth from left to right.
- Upper Lingual: Enter probing depths for the upper lingual teeth from left to right.
- Lower Lingual: Enter probing depths for the lower lingual teeth from left to right
- Lower Facial: Enter probing depths for the lower facial teeth from left to right.
Set All 323: Automatically set probing depths of "323" for all teeth. This overrides any measurements currently entered.
Preferred Terminology
Determine which terminology to use on the Perio Chart.
- Use the term "Recession" unless hyperplasia: Displays "Recession" on the Perio Chart. If hyperplasia is present, row reverts back to Ging Marg.
- Always use the term "Gingival Margin": Displays "Ging Marg" on the Perio Chart.
Click Save to exit the window and keep changes.