Payment to a Payment Plan

Payments can be applied directly to payment plan charges.

In the Payment window, payments attached to payment plans show as a PayPlanCharge payment splits.

Typically, patient payments to a Payment Plan or an Old Payment Plan are entered from the account of the person making the payment.

Depending on what Pay Plan charge logic is set to in Preferences, users can attach payments to payment plans in a number of ways.

If Pay Plan charge logic is set to Age Credits and Debits, select the PayPln: Debit charge(s) from the account before clicking the Payment button. This ensures that if other outstanding charges exist on the account, Open Dental allocates the payment to the Payment Plan first.

For all other charge logic settings, including Age Credits and Debits, payments can be attached to Payment Plans in the following ways:

The payment shows in the payment plan's Amortization Schedule. Double-click the plan to view.

Note: If a single payment is for multiple pay plan charges, it is split into a line item for each pay plan charge and for the pay plan charge amount.

If the Pay Plan charge logic preference is set to Age Debits and Credits, payment plan payments also show in the account grid of the patient with the pay plan or the payment plan guarantor (if the guarantor is not in the same family).

Simple Allocations Setup

If the Paysplits preference in Allocations Setup is set to Manual, any patient payment posted to an account with an active payment plan is automatically attached to the payment plan. Users are prompted to select a plan from the Select Payment Plan window.

Select the plan to attach payment and click OK. To only view active plans, check Show Active Only.

Payment Plan Prepayments

To pay extra towards a Payment Plan than what is currently due, click Payment and enter the payment amount as a prepayment. Once the PayPlan Charge Due is posted, use the Income Transfer Manager to allocate the prepayment.

Users are prompted to apply the overpayment to principal or to prepay for the next payment plan charge when there is at least one payment plan in the family with an outstanding Payment Plan Charge.

Select whether to apply the overpayment to principal or create a prepayment on the payment plan.

Old Payment Plan Prepayments

To prepay or pay extra toward an Old Payment Plan, click Payment, and enter the payment amount. When the payment window opens:

  1. Under the Current Payment Splits, delete any pay splits not associated to the payment plan but keep any prepayment split. If no prepayment split was created, click Add to create one.
  2. Double-click on the prepayment split
  3. Enter the Paysplit details and click OK.
    • Enter the prepayment amount.
    • Select the unearned type.
    • Set the clinic and provider to None.
    • Check Attached to Payment Plan.
  4. Enter the payment details and process the payment.
  5. Double-click on the payment plan to recalculate the amortization schedule for the new prepayment. See Payment Plan Recalculate
    1. Click Recalculate.
    2. Select Prepay or Pay on Principal.
    3. Optional: If the payment plan includes interest, check Recalculate Interest to recalculate interest as well.
    4. Click OK.
    After a selection is made, a new pay plan charge is added for the prepayment amount.
  6. Allocate the prepayment to the new charge: either use the Income Transfer Manager or highlight the charge, click the Payment dropdown, and select Allocate Unearned Income.

Detaching a Payment from a Payment Plan

If a payment was attached to a payment plan by mistake, it can be detached by editing the payment split (paysplit).

To edit the paysplit:

  1. From the Payment Plan or Old Payment Plan window, double-click the payment.
  2. Double-click the Paysplit.
  3. Uncheck Attached to Payment Plan.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat with any additional paysplits.
  6. Click OK to save changes to the payment.

If the payment is attached to a procedure that it should not be attached to, consider completing an Income Transfer to reallocate the payment to the correct procedure.