Payment Plan Q and A
Below are some questions and answers about Payment Plan.
Information may apply to Payment Plan, Insurance Payment Plans, or Old Payment Plan.
How does each Pay Plan Logic Preference function?
Pay Plan Logic Preferences, determines how PayPln: Charge Due and PayPln: Production line items show in the patient account grid for Payment Plans and Old Payment Plans. It also determines whether PayPlan Production and PayPlan Charges Due affect balances, aging, and reports. This logic does not apply to Insurance Payment Plans.
Below is information on how each preference functions and screenshots of how Payment Plans appear in the Patient Account ledger.
Do Not Age (Legacy): Charges Due and payments only show within the payment plan and do not affect balance or aging.
Age Credits and Debits (Default): Charges Due, payment plan production, and payments show as line items in patient account grid and affect balances and aging.
When the patient is in the same family as the payment plan guarantor, the behavior is as follows.
When the patient is in a different family than the payment plan guarantor, the behavior is as follows.
Age Credits Only: Patients are credited for payment plans when the charge comes due, but Charges Due all exist separately from the account grid.
No Charges to Account (Rarely Used): PayPln: Production or PayPln:Charges Due line items are posted to the account. Patients are not credited for payment plans, so the account balance is aged normally.
I am considering transitioning to Age Credits and Debits logic. What do I need to know?
When you first transition, patient account balances change:
How can I see the difference between Do Not Age logic and Age Credits and Debits logic in the Aging of A/R Report amounts?
The Total column from the report in step 1 (traditional) + the Due Now amount from the Payment Plan report equals the Total column from report in step 2 (Age Credits and Debits).
A patient has an Old Payment Plan with overcharged production. How do I reduce the production on the plan and re-allocate the patients' overpayment?
An Old Payment Plan may become overcharged if procedures attached to the plan are discounted or if insurance pays more than expected after the Old Payment Plan is created. To reduce the payment plan charges, the easiest method is to delete the Old Payment Plan and recreate it for the correct procedure balance. However, if payments are attached to the plan, complete the steps below.
In order to correct the Old Payment Plan, it must be open and have a remaining balance equal to the total overcharged amount.
Why do I get a warning that a Payment Plan is overcharged when trying to use the Income Transfer Manager, but the Payment Plan does not appear on the Payment Plans Overcharged Report?
If production (i.e., procedures and adjustments) attached to a Payment Plan has an Amount Override entered or the Payment Plan has Permanent Lock enabled, it does not show on the Payment Plans Overcharged Report, however if trying to use the Income Transfer Manager, there is a warning if production is overcharged.
Payment Plans with an Amount Override entered after all PayPlan Charges have posted for the production, may still appear on the report.
When trying to edit a pay plan charge, I get the message The phrase 'Down Payment' cannot be used in the notes.
This text is used to denote the Down Payment amount. The Down Payment charge is automatically created when the Amortization Schedule is created. If no Down Payment amount was entered when the payment plan was created, other charges cannot be designated as the Down Payment. The payment plan must be deleted and recreated instead.
The dates for pay plan charges have changed, but no user edited the Payment Plan.
For Payment Plans, the Open Dental Service must be installed and running in order for pay plan charges to be posted on charge date. If the Open Dental Service is not running at the Pay Plan run time on the charge date, the dates for any charges not already created in the database (i.e., already posted or manually edited) are adjusted. The charge dates are moved one increment depending on the Charge Frequency.
For example, if an unposted charge was scheduled to occur on 10/1/2024 and the Charge Frequency is Monthly, the charge is rescheduled to occur on 11/1/2024. All subsequent charges are also rescheduled to occur one month later.
Why do I get a Payment Plan Overpayment Detected warning when trying to attach a payment to a Payment Plan?
When saving a payment where the total amount of payment splits attached to the Payment Plan exceeds the current Due Now balance, a prompt is shown to determine how the overpayment should be handled.
Click Yes to pay the amount toward principal. Once the payment is saved, a new pay plan charge for the excess amount is created and the Payment Plan Balancer is run automatically to allocate the payment to pay plan charges.
Click No to treat the overpayment as a prepayment. Once the payment is saved, the Payment Plan Balancer is run automatically to allocate the payment. The overpayment amount is allocated to the Payment plan unearned type set in Preferences.