Patient Forms

Patient Forms are types of Sheets and eForms that patients can complete electronically, such as registration forms, HIPAA forms, financial agreements, and medical histories.

In the Main Toolbar, click Forms.

Patients can complete sheets in one of the following ways:

Patients can complete eForms via eClipboard.

Any Patient Forms or Medical Histories already generated for the patient show in this window. Images, PDFs, or other files that are in an image category marked with a usage of Show these dcument in Patient Forms window also show.

Double-click on a row to view, edit, or fill the form in the Fill Sheet or Fill eForm window.


Click Setup in the upper left corner, then select a menu option.

Sort Options

Sort forms by: Select the order in which to sort forms. Select from:

Patient Forms and Medical Histories Grid

The Patient Forms and Medical Histories grid displays forms filled or queued for the patient.


Form Options

Click a button for additional form options.

Medical History Update

To have a patient review a previous medical history and make changes, highlight the most recent medical history and click Pre-Fill to open it. The pre-filled copy does not have a signature and does have today's date. Print it, send it to the Kiosk, or eClipboard, so the patient can make any changes and sign it. Changes are saved to the new form; they do not overwrite the original. Then import the new form, or enter the changed data.

Pre-Fill Logic