Operatory Edit
Operatories can be added and edited to meet the needs of the practice.
In Operatories, click Add, or double-click an existing operatory to edit.
Op Name: Enter the label for the operatory in the Appointments Module. We recommend keeping it short. Two line titles will wrap, but longer titles will be cut off.
Abbrev (max 5 char): Enter the abbreviation (up to 5 characters) to identify this operatory in various lists throughout the program.
Is Hidden: Check to mark the operatory as hidden when it is no longer in use.
Clinic: Select the clinic associated with this operatory. Defaults to the clinic selected on the Operatories window. When setting up Appointment Views, operatory clinic assignment affects which operatories can be assigned to the appointment view. For example only Clinic A operatories can be assigned to Clinic A appointment views.
Provider: Select the default provider assigned to appointments scheduled in the operatory. The provider determines the operatory's color in the Appointments Module (based on the provider's appointment color).
Hygienist: Select the default hygienist assigned to appointments scheduled in the operatory.
Is Hygiene: Check to assign the hygienist as the default provider when appointments are scheduled in this operatory.
Set Prospective: Mark the operatory for prospective patients only. Users will be prompted to change the status of any patient scheduled in this operatory to Prospective (Edit Patient Information). If the appointment is moved to a non-prospective operatory, users will be prompted to change the status to Patient. This is useful in large clinics that frequently set tentative appointments for patients that may not show up.
Web Sched Settings: These settings only affect Web Sched eServices.
Update provs on future appts: See Update Provs on Future Appts for details.
Op Type: Informational only. Select the Operatory Type. Add types in Definitions: Operatory Types.