NewCrop eRx Allergies

NewCrop eRx users can add allergies to a patient's profile in order to get drug-allergy interaction alerts when prescribing drugs.

In the NewCrop eRX / Prescription interface, under Pending Rx, is an Allergies area.

NewCrop eRx uses the allergies entered here when checking for NewCrop eRx Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks. Allergies entered in Open Dental are not passed to NewCrop eRx. Allergies must be added to NewCrop eRx manually.

To add an allergy:

  1. Click Add in the Allergies section of the Compose Rx tab.
  2. Enter all or part of the allergy (brand, ingredient, or drug category such as NSAID) and click Allergy Search. Alternatively, click Common Allergies to choose from a list.
  3. Select the allergy from the search results and enter details about the patient's allergy.
  4. Click Save Allergy to add it to the list.

Alternatively, allergies can be viewed and added from the Problems tab in the NewCrop eRx window.