Imaging Camera Compatibility
In the Imaging Module, in the Toolbar, click Video.
Any webcam or intraoral camera should be compatible but we have only tested a few.
Intraoral cameras have a button on them for image capture. Most cameras come with driver software that will generate a keyboard button press when the Capture button is pressed. Different dental imaging software products can use different default key inputs. Open Dental uses the "space" key, which is also used by Apixia, Apteryx, Dentimax, EvaSoft, OneView, Sigma, Suni, Vatech ezdent, XDR, and XLDent. There might be a rare camera where it is not possible to map to the space key, so we list specific tested cameras below.
WebCams: Any webcam should work. The one we happened to use for testing was a Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, but there's nothing special about that model.
ProDent PD740: This is a cheap intraoral camera manufactured in China and available online. There are many different brands and models that would all be expected to work, including Daryou. To make the capture button work, install their ProDent Capture software from
CariVu: caries detector camera.
PerfectCam: The camera, offered by IOC Snapshot, can be used with PerfectCam Utility software, enabling the Capture button to work for free. This camera works with Open Dental and Open Dental Cloud.
MD740: There is a complaint from one customer that the live video has a 3 second lag.