Fee Schedules

Create different Fee Schedules to enter various procedure fees for UCR, insurance, and more.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Fee Schedules.

Alternatively in the Procedure Codes list, click Fee Scheds.

Typically, offices create fee schedules for Usual, Customary, and Reasonable (UCR) fees and for each insurance company they are contracted with. A fee schedule can allow a single (global) fee per procedure, or allow provider and/or clinic-specific fees. Users must have the Edit Fee Schedule Permission to access the Fee Schedules window.

Helpful links:

Filter or edit the Fee Schedules list:

Hide Unused

This tool marks any fee schedules that are not in use as hidden.

Before running the tool, the user is alerted that a backup of the database will be made. This may take a while.

Click OK to proceed. Any fee schedules not used by insurance plans, patients, providers, or discount plans are hidden.