Add Family

This is a quick way to add multiple patients for a single family at once.

In Select Patient, click Add Many.

  • Do not use this window to add new family members to an existing family. Instead add additional family members in the Family Module.
  • Prompt staff to complete certain fields using Required Fields marked with an *.

Each family member is represented by an information column (last name, first name, gender/position, birthdate/age, etc.) The last three columns are designated for children. If there are more than five family members, add additional members in the Family Module. The guarantor is the person who is responsible for the account. To reduce data entry, some guarantor information is automatically populated for other family members.

If adding a patient that matches an existing patient with the same first name, last name, and date of birth users receive a warning before continuing.

Fields in this window match most fields in the Edit Patient Information. Below are details specific to this window: