Disabling eRx
If your office no longer needs to send electronic prescriptions follow the steps below to disable the program link in Open Dental.
In Program Links, double-click electronic Rx. Uncheck Enabled
Disabling eRx is done in this window for both DoseSpot eRx / Prescription and NewCrop eRX / Prescription.
This disables the electronic Rx program link to block all providers from accessing eRx.
Click OK to save.
To stop the monthly DoseSpot eRx or NewCrop eRx service fee, contact Open Dental Support. Open Dental Support will assist with disabling the Program Link and Providers during the call as well.
Double-click a provider from Providers.
Uncheck Use Electronic Prescriptions (eRx).
This blocks a single provider from accessing eRx. This also blocks access to eRx when the provider is the patient's primary provider and no other authorized provider is logged on.
Click OK to save.
Q: I disabled eRx for a provider, why am I still seeing additional charges?
A: Once eRx is disabled, any usage charges accumulated before cancellation are reflected within two billing cycles.
To ensure eRx is fully disabled and charges do not continue, complete the following steps: