EHR Default Pregnancy Code
Pregnancy codes exclude patients from some EHR Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs). The default pregnancy code is used automatically when you exclude a patient from a EHR Vital Signs BMI exam due to pregnancy. A diagnosis of pregnancy will also be added to the Problems list with a start date equal to exam date, if an active diagnosis already doesn't exist in the list.
To select a recommended code, click the dropdown and select it.
To select a different code (SNOMEDCT, ICD9CM, or ICDD10CM) click the corresponding button, then select the code. Codes must downloaded before they can be selected. See Importing Code Systems. You will need to manually enter pregnancy diagnosis with a qualified code to exclude a patient from CQM calculations.
If you select none, you will need to manually enter pregnancy diagnosis with a qualified code to exclude a patient from CQM calculations.
Also see EHR Default Encounter Code.