EHR Generate Patient List

Patient lists for can be generated for a single condition or many. The intended purpose is for quality improvement, reduction of disparities, and research or outreach. This is not a reporting requirement for EHR Modified Stage 2.

  1. On the EHR Dashboard, click Generate List (Patient List row, Click to Take Action column).

    When you first open the window, there will be no data elements. As you select criteria, a line item will show for each.

  2. Click a button on the right to add criteria. Some criteria have start/stop date options.

    Birthdate: Include patients greater than, less than, or equal to a certain age.

    Problem: Include patients with a certain Problems, ICD-10 Codes, or SNOMED CT Codes.

    Medication: Include patients with a certain Medications.

    LabResult: Include patients with lab results for specific LOINC Codes that are greater than, less than, or equal to a specific value.

    Gender: Include gender information in the list.

    Comm Pref: Include patients with a specific communication preference as set on the Reminders window. See EHR Document Reminders Sent to Patients.

    Allergy: Include patients with a certain Allergies.

  3. Click Results to generate the list based on the criteria defined. To sort the list by a specific criteria, click on a column header.
  4. To print the list, click Print.

List criteria will not be saved when you close the Patient List window. Each time you generate a list, you must define the criteria you want.

For EHR supporting documentation we recommend saving screenshots of the criteria and generated list.