EHR Generate Patient List
Patient lists for can be generated for a single condition or many. The intended purpose is for quality improvement, reduction of disparities, and research or outreach. This is not a reporting requirement for EHR Modified Stage 2.
When you first open the window, there will be no data elements. As you select criteria, a line item will show for each.
Birthdate: Include patients greater than, less than, or equal to a certain age.
Problem: Include patients with a certain Problems, ICD-10 Codes, or SNOMED CT Codes.
Medication: Include patients with a certain Medications.
LabResult: Include patients with lab results for specific LOINC Codes that are greater than, less than, or equal to a specific value.
Gender: Include gender information in the list.
Comm Pref: Include patients with a specific communication preference as set on the Reminders window. See EHR Document Reminders Sent to Patients.
Allergy: Include patients with a certain Allergies.
List criteria will not be saved when you close the Patient List window. Each time you generate a list, you must define the criteria you want.
For EHR supporting documentation we recommend saving screenshots of the criteria and generated list.