eForm Def Edit
Create or edit eForms using the eForm Designer.
In eForms, double-click a form to edit.
Alternatively, from Pick eForm, double-click a form or click Blank to create a new form.
Customize eForms to fit the needs of the practice.
Edit Properties: Click to edit defaults for the selected eForm.
Add Field: Click a field button to add content to the eForm.
Use the following buttons or keyboard shortcuts when editing the eForm.
Set conditional parent for
Language: Only displays when Languages are added. Allows eForms to utilize language translations. Select a language to make edits in. When a patient has the selected language as their preferred language, eForms automatically display in that language.
eForm Designer: This area is where fields and content are added. The look of the designer differs from the final product in eClipboard. Preview eForms on eClipboard prior to using with patients.
Click Delete to remove the sheet entirely. Click Save to save changes and close the window.