eCW General Information

Below is general information about using Open Dental with eClinicalWorks.

Usernames and Passwords

Users in Open Dental are automatically created when a user first launches Open Dental from eCW. The initial Open Dental password will match the user's eCW password. If an eCW password changes, it also needs to be updated in Open Dental. This can be done by logging into Open Dental using the old eCW password, then selecting File, Change Password. Change Password

Dental Visit Types

Every time you add a new visit type in eCW, contact eCW so they can update their interface.


Two kinds of PDFs can be sent from Open Dental to eCW as part of the HL7 messages.

  1. A copy of the Progress Notes (procedures in Chart module). This happens in the Edit Appointment window when pushing the Finish & Send button or the Notes PDF button.
  2. A Treatment Plan gets sent every time a TP is saved using the Save button.

In eCW, the PDF files can be accessed in Patient Documents.

Medical History (Tight Integration)

Prescriptions, medications, problems, allergies, and medical history are entered into eCW and show in Open Dental's read only Medical.

Prescriptions (Tight Integration)

Prescriptions show in the read-only Medical window. For 32 bit operating systems they may show in the Progress Notes. Prescriptions should always be created in eCW. eCW will then create an identical prescription in Open Dental, viewable in the read-only Medical window.


Updating to a New Version of Open Dental

See Update.