Definitions: PaySplit Unearned Types
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Definitions, PaySplit Unearned Types.
The PaySplit Unearned Type definition determines the list of Unearned / Prepayment Type options available in the Paysplit window.
By default, the Prepayment unearned type is used when a payment is posted to an account with a credit or no balance and when the Prepay button is clicked in the payment window. To change the default type, see the Default unearned type for unallocated paysplits in Preferences.
Double-click an existing item or click Add to create a new item. The Edit Definition window opens.
Click Save to keep changes.
Set the default Payment plan uneared type and Defaul unearned type for unallocated paysplits in Preferences. Set the Default treatment planned procedure unearned type in Allocations Setup.