Importing Code Systems

In the EHR Setup Window, click Code Systems Importer.

Several systems for medical and procedural coding can be imported into Open Dental and then attached to patient information. Coding systems allow a consistent way to organize, index, store, and retrieve clinical data between providers and care sites.

Note: Code systems cannot be downloaded when using Middle Tier. Instead, connect directly to the database.

Check for Updates: Click to view a list of code systems available for import.


Keep old descriptions: Check to retain previously downloaded code descriptions.

Download Updates: Highlight the Code Systems to download, then click to begin the download.

Available Coding Systems

Currently the following coding systems can be downloaded and are intended for use by U.S. offices only.

Name Description Codes/Database Size Where used
CDCREC CDC Race and Ethnicity Set. 966 codes < .1 MB CQMs, demographics
CVX 159 codes < .1 MB vaccine data export
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System 5,951 codes .5 MB procedure codes, CQMs
ICD-10 Codes International Classification of Diseases 10th revision 95,352 codes 5.54 MB procedures, syndromic surveillance, clinical summaries, summaries of care, claims, CQMs
LOINC Codes Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes 72,624 codes 15.5 MB CQMs, medical laboratory orders, radiology orders, clinical summaries, summaries of care, syndromic surveillance, vaccines (validation)
RxNorm A normalized naming system for generic and branded drugs. 391,275 codes 34.9 MB medications (every medication should be associated with an RxNorm), prescriptions, CQMs
SNOMED CT Codes Systemized Nomenclature of Medication Clinical Terms 2,720,609 codes 131 MB problems (every problem should be attached to a SNOMED CT code), CQMs, procedures (medical tab)
SOP Systems of Payment 145 codes < .1 MB CQMs
UCUM Unified Code for Units of Measure 557 < .1 MB CQMs, medical laboratory orders, syndromic surveillance, vaccines
  • CPT Codes were used with 2011 EHR. They are no longer used and cannot be imported.
  • ICD-9 Codes can still be imported but are no longer used. Use ICD-10 Codes instead.