EOB Claim Details

View details for a claim associated with an ERA.

In an ERA, click EOB Claim Details.

Alternatively, double-click on an unreceived claim from the ERA and click EOB Claim Details in the Verify and Enter Payment window.

Claim Information

Claim information, including patient, subscriber, insurance payment total, etc., is listed at the top of the window.


This section displays the calcuation for the Ins Paid amount shown at the top of the EOB.

EOB Claim Adjustments

If payment amounts were adjusted (e.g., reduced), any amounts are noted in this section along with any appliable reason and remarks. These adjustments are also be counted in the Claim AdjAmt Sum in the Balancing calculation above.

Double-click a row to open a simple window used to copy message text.

EOB Procedure Breakdown

This grid displays procedures attached to the ERA.

To view additional details about procedures, double-click a row in the Procedure Breakdown grid. The Procedure Paid window shown below opens.

EOB Claim Adjudication Info

Any adjudication information included with the ERA is listed in this section.

Double-click a row ito open a simple window used to copy message text.

EOB Supplemental Info

Supplemental payment information included with the ERA is listed in this section. This is also where coverage information is listed for Preauthorization.

Double-click a row to open a simple window used to copy message text.


Click Print to open a print preview of the remittance information.

Print: Click from the print preview window to open printer dialogue or immediately print depending on Printer Setup.