Sheet CheckBox Field Names

See Sheet Checkbox and Radio Button.

Checkboxes are Sheet Field Types used to indicate a selection by toggling an X on or off. The available checkbox fields vary by sheet type.

CheckBox Field Name Description
addressAndHmPhoneIsSa Enables Same for entire family checkbox for address and phone in the Edit Patient Information window.
allergy Signifies the patient has an allergy. Allergies can be linked from the database to the sheet. Linked allergies can be imported into the Chart Module.
CariesExperience Used in Screening Sheets.
checkMed1 through checkMed20 Used as a "No" checkbox. When importing, corresponding inputMeds are not added to the patient's Medications in the Medical tab. If the medication was previously active, today's date is added as the Date Stop in the Medications.
EarlyChildCaries Used in Screening Sheets.
ExistingSealants Used in Screening Sheets.
ins1Relat Relationship to Subscriber for Primary Insurance.
ins2Relat Relationship to Subscriber for Secondary Insurance.
Gender Select gender option to import into the Edit Patient Information window. Options are Male, Female, and Unknown to match the ADA Claim Form.
HasCaries Used in Screening Sheets.
Misc A checkbox that can be used for anything that does not have an importable field into the patient's chart.
MissingAllTeeth Used in Screening Sheets.
NeedsSealants Used in Screening Sheets.
Position Select position option. Options are Single, Married, Child, Widowed, Divorced. Option can be imported into the Edit Patient Information window.
PreferConfirmMethod Determine the preferred confirmation method to import into the Edit Patient Information window.
PreferContactMethod Determine the preferred contact method to import into the Edit Patient Information window.
PreferRecallMethod Determine the preferred recall contact method to import into the Edit Patient Information window.
problem Signifies the patient has a problem. Problems can be linked from the database to the sheet. Linked problems can be imported into the Chart Module.
Race Used in an Exam Sheet.
StudentStatus Used to designate the college status of a dependent over 19 for insurance. Can be imported into the Edit Patient Information window.