The ADA license allows us to include the ADA (CDT) Procedure Codes for distribution within the United States only. As required by the ADA CDT content license, every United States customer of Open Dental Software must fill out and return a CDT Compliance Form (PDF). This form discloses in writing the number and location of all end-user sites that use the software, and thus the CDT codes.

To download new CDT codes, see Procedure Code Tools.

What locations are considered United States?

The ADA license specifically addresses this as follows: The United States version of Open Dental may be distributed in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands or any territory of the United States.

Based on this wording, the following locations are considered within the United States for licensing purposes:

Countries not included in this list must arrange their own purchase of CDT codes and ADA claim forms.