VisionX Bridge

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double-click on VisionX.

VisionX is an imaging software. Website:

To enable the bridge:

  1. Check the Enabled box.
  2. Verify the Path of file to open.
  3. Double-click on Additional Properties to change settings.
    1. Use the PatNum (enter 0) or ChartNum (enter 1) as the patient ID.
    2. Verify that the Text file path is a full file path.
  4. Set up a clickable bridge button:
    1. Under Add a button to these toolbars, highlight where to display the button.
    2. Enter the Text on button.
    3. (Optional) Import an image to show on the button (22 x 22 pixels).
  5. If using clinics, click Hide Button for Clinics. Select which clinics the button should display on.
  6. Click Save.