Billing List

Statements generated via the billing list can be printed, sent to an electronic billing processing service, or emailed directly from Open Dental.

In Billing, at the bottom, click Create List.

In the Billing Options window, set the filters, then click Create List. All guarantors that meet the Billing Option criteria are listed.

This window also opens when clicking from the Manage Module, when clicking Billing if there are any unsent statements.

Sort and Filter

Sort and filter the Bills grid using the options at the top.

Refresh: Click to update bills.

Bills Grid

The Bills grid displays the billing list.

Double-click a statement to view the Statement Window.

Right-click on a row and click Go To to select the patient's account. Bills show as unsent statements in individual accounts. The Billing List remains open.


Other Options

Edit Selected: Edit several bills at once. Highlight the bills then click the button. Opens the Statement Window. Any changes affect all selected bills.

Counts: Shows the total number of bills currently displayed, amount currently selected, and number of bills most recently sent per Mode. Closing the Billing List resets the count per Mode.

Defaults: Opens limited view of Billing Defaults window in order to modify Electronic Billing credentials (e.g., password/username) without clearing the list of statements.

Send Statements

Click Send statements to generate and/or send based on their Mode.

If exiting the Billing List without sending statements, users are prompted to delete bills:

Billing Progress

If the preference, Show progress when sending statements, is enabled, a progress window is displayed. Offices can also set a Max number of statements per batch. This is useful for large offices that send many batches of statements at once.

Do not open other windows while sending statements. Doing so causes sending to pause.

Unsending Bills

If something went wrong during the printing process, bills can be unsent to be reprinted.

  1. Click the Sent radio button at the top of the Bills window to show all sent bills.
  2. Highlight all printed bills to unsend, then click Edit Selected.
  3. Uncheck the Sent box. This setting applies to all selected bills.
  4. Click OK to return to the Billing List. Click the Unsent radio button to see all the bills. If the bills are not in the list, ensure the date range is inclusive enough.