Time Card Setup

Define pay periods, set default time card options, enter ADP company codes, and set up rule for clock in time, overtime, and differential hours from Time Card Setup.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Manage, Time Cards.

Alternatively, from Manage Time Cards, click Setup.

Pay periods must exist for the current date in order for employees to use the Time Clock.

Pay Periods

On the left, is a section listing recent and currently active pay periods. The current pay period is highlighted in blue in the grid.

Hide pay periods older than 6 months: Checked by default. Determines which pay periods show in the Pay Periods grid.

Pay Periods: This grid shows pay periods that have been created. Double-click an existing pay period to edit. The Edit Pay Period window (see below) will open.

Add One: Click to generate a single pay period. The Edit Pay Period window will open.

Generate Many: Click to create several pay periods at once. The Pay Period Manager will open.


On the right side is the Rules grid. Automated time card rules are used for clock-in time, overtime, and differential hours in an employee time card. For example, the most common rule calculates overtime for all employees who work more than 8 hours a day. Rules can apply to all or individual employees.

Rules Grid: Displays existing time card rules. Times are indicated in a 24-hour format (e.g., 5:00 PM is 17:00). Double-click an existing time card rule to edit. The Time Card Rule Edit window (see below) will open.

Add: Click to add a new time card rule. The Time Card Rule Edit window will open.

Times can be entered in AM/PM or 24-hour format.

ADP and Options

Additional options are at the bottom of the Time Card Setup window.

ADPRunIID: If using ADP Run, input IID as supplied by ADP.

ADP Company Code: If using ADP Workforce Now for payroll, enter the practice's company code as supplied by ADP. This code will show when a user clicks Export ADP in Manage Time Cards. To include the employee name when exporting, check the Manage Module Preference, ADP export includes employee name.

Options: Set additional time card options.