Task Reminder

When using Tasks, reminders can be used to remind staff of tasks that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

In the Tasks Area, click the Reminders tab.

Reminder tasks can be accessed from the Reminders tab to view upcoming reminders. When a reminder is due, the task shows as New in a user's task list when it's due and remains until the user marks it as Done. Reminder tasks that are due also display in the Appointments Module, Reminders tab.

Click on a task list to view reminders specific to the list.

Reminder Task Details

Options for a reminder task vary depending on the selected Reminder Type.

See Task Window for general information about task fields. Information specific to Reminder Tasks can be found in the following bullets.


Complete or Remove Task Reminders

Note: To view task reminders that have been marked Done, in the Tasks area, click Options, Show Finished Tasks.

Additional Information