Insurance Aging Report

The Insurance Aging Report is useful for viewing a breakdown of insurance and patient portion estimates by age of account.

In Standard Reports, in the Monthly section, click Insurance Aging Report.

Offices that want to ensure they are getting paid by insurance companies and want to follow up on older claims should use the Outstanding Insurance Claims Report instead.

This report is based on the guarantor's billing type, primary provider, and clinic. Aging is automatically recalculated when the report is generated.



Set the report criteria and filters before running the report.

As Of Date: Enter the as of date for the report. Defaults to the date of the most recent aging calculation (usually today). If changed to a historical date, totals reflect all transactions up to the date entered except for estimated write-offs.

Age of Account: Select which patients to include based on aging balance.

Group By: Select how to group calculation amounts.

Only show patients with outstanding claims:

Filter: Insurance breakdown options. Only available when Only show patients with outstanding claims is checked.

Billing Types: Highlight the billing types to include or check All to include all billing types.

Providers: Highlight the primary providers to include or check All to include all providers, including those marked Hidden on Reports.

Clinics: Clinics: Select clinics to include in the report. Check All (includes hidden) to include all clinics, including those marked hidden.

Report Preview

Click OK to generate the report. The resulting report changes depending on if Only show patients with outstanding claims is checked. Below are example reports and explanation of report columns.

Report, run by individual, with Only show patients with outstanding claims unchecked:

Report, run by family, with Only show patients with outstanding claims checked:

The columns vary depending on the report criteria.

Report Logic

Insurance payment estimate (Ins Pay) columns are based on the Claim Snapshot and include estimated write-offs. If any change is made that affects the estimated write-off, this is reflected in the W/O Change column only.

Patient estimated balances (Pat Est) columns are based on the Total Account Balance, this amount is not on the report, minus insurance payment estimates from the Claim Snapshot (e.g., Pat Est >90 = Total Account Balance - Ins Pay Est >90)

This report does not exclude accounts with negative balances.