Billing/Finance Charges
The Billing and Finance Charges tool is used to apply finance or billing charges to accounts.
In the Main Menu, click Tools, Billing/Finance Charges.
The charges are applied to all guarantor Accounts that meet the filtering criteria entered in this window.
Required Setup:
Date Last Run: Date the Billing/Finances charge tool was last run.
Date of New Charges: Enter the date the new charges should be applied. Billing or finance charges are posted to patient accounts with this adjustment date.
Billing Charge: Select to add a flat charge to the account. Enter the charge amount in the text box. Charges are added to accounts as an Adjustment using the Billing charge adj type.
Finance Charge: Select to apply finance charges and apply a percentage charge (APR) to account balances. Charges are added to accounts as an adjustment using the Finance charge adj type. Set the following options before applying charges:
(Estimated Balance *(APR / 12))
Only Apply to these Billing Types: Select which accounts should have charges applied based on the guarantor's Billing Type.
Calculate on balances aged: Select the age of the accounts that should have charges applied. When calculating finance charges, only balances over the selected age are considered (e.g., if Over 90 Days is selected, outstanding balances aged less than 90 days do not affect the calculated finance charge amount).
Select options to have to exclude accounts from being billed finance or billing charges.
Use the Undo button to undo the most recent charges (finance or billing). All adjustments made on the same date, which have the same adjustment type, are deleted. Finance/Billing charges for a different date must be undone manually. Use the Finance Charge Report to identify the adjustments made on that date.
Billing and finance charge adjustments attached to a Payment or Payment Plan cannot be deleted with this tool. To view a list of patients with these adjustment types attached to payment splits and Payment Plans, click Yes when prompted.
Go to each patient on the list and manually detach the adjustment from the pay splits or Payment Plan to delete the adjustment, if needed.
Assign Charges To: Determine which provider billing or finance charge adjustments are assigned to. This provider's production is affected.
Run: Click to process billing or finance charges to all families meeting the filter criteria.
Follow the steps below to set up and run billing or finance charges:
Once the tool is complete, a message indicates how many charges were applied. To see all the finance charges that were applied, run the Finance Charge Report.
To apply both billing and finance charges to an account, run the billing/finance charge tool twice on the same day, once per month. Still complete daily billing.