Confirmation Setup

Use Confirmation Setup to define the default messages (text messages, emails, and postcards) for confirmations sent from the Confirmation List and set the default appointment confirmation status to apply when a confirmation is emailed or texted.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Appointments, Confirmations.

This window is specific to confirmations sent manually (i.e., from the Confirmation List or Appointments Module).

Note: To set default options for printing postcards and email logic, see Setup Recall.

Automated eConfirmation and eReminder Setup: To change settings for automatic confirmations, click to open Automated Messaging.

The Messages grid displays the message text used for postcard, email, and text message confirmations sent from the Confirmation List.

Status for emailed confirmation: The confirmation status applied to the appointment when a confirmation is emailed from the Confirmation List.

Status for texted confirmation: The confirmation status applied to the appointment when a confirmation is texted from the Confirmation List.

Message Edit

Double-click a row to edit the Message text.

Enter the subject or message text. Insert variables as needed.

Fields in brackets can be used to pull information from the database.

For text messages: